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Yo Mama is so Dark, Black... Jokes

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Yo mama's so black that she went to night school and was marked absent!

Yo mama is so dark that she drinks water and pees coffee.

Yo mama is so dark that she has to wear white gloves when she eats Tootsie Rolls to keep from eating her fingers.

Yo mama is so dark that when she goes swimming it looks like an oil spill.

Yo mama is so dark that her ass looks like two tires.

Yo mama's so black that she spits chocolate milk!

Yo mama is so dark that when she puts on yellow lipstick, she looks like a cheese burger.

Yo mama is so dark that she bleeds molasses.

Yo mama is so dark that she looks like a picture of outer-space with no stars... except when she smiles.

Yo mama is so dark that when she goes outside, the streetlights turn on.

Yo mama's so black that she got her tattoo done in chalk.

Yo mama is so dark that when she puts lotion on her legs it looks like she has on patent leather pants.

Yo mama's so black that when the police shot at her, the bullets came back for flashlights.

Yo mama is so dark that she was riding a motorcycle and got a ticket for tinted windows.

Yo mama so black, I clicked on her profile pic and thought my phone died.

Yo mama's so black, when you wrap her in plastic she looks like a packet of soy sauce.

Yo mama's so black, she always wins at laser tag because the other lasers cant find her.

Yo mama's so black Wesley Snipes and Don Cheadle fight to call her momma.

Yo momma so black when she got out the car the oil light came on

Yo mama so black her blood type is burnt

Yo mama so black, when you go shopping with her on Fridays, you'll always get 75% off

Yo mama so black when she turned to the dark side, the Sith became Jedis

Yo mama so black she blends in with the chalkboard

Yo mama's ass so black that your dad doesn't need to buy shoe polish

Yo mama's so black she looks like a satellite picture of North Korea at night.

Yo mama's so black she sat in a hot tub and the water turned into coffee

Yo mama's so black that lightening bugs follow her in the daytime

Yo Momma so black that she went to a funeral naked and every one thought she was properly dressed.

Yo mama is so dark that when she smiles at night she looks like a pack of floating Chicklets.

Yo mama is so dark that when her eyes are red she looks like a beeper.

Yo mama so black, she makes Darth Vader look like he needs a tan!

Yo mama so black you can’t see when shit comes out of her crack.

Yo mama so black her refrigerator only has KFC, malt liquor, and Kool-Aid in it.

Yo mama so black, when god made her he said "Damn I burnt one”.

Yo mama so black her shadow was laid-off.

Yo mama so black, Batman uses her as a backup cape.

Yo mama so black the dark side of the moon got jealous

Yo mama so black that your family pictures look like ultrasounds

yo mama is so black, when she drinks milk you can see it going down her throat

Yo mama so black she got a PHD in Hide-N-Seek.

Yo mama is so dark that her nickname is midnight.

Yo mama is so dark that she makes asphalt look grey.

Yo mama is so dark that that she can leave fingerprints on charcoal.

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